Sunday, August 16, 2009

Inspiration for this blog

So today, I went to see the movie, Julie and Julia. It was witty and smart and entertaining. I feel much like Julie. She is stuck in a job that she doesn't enjoy and feels like she has more to offer the world. She also feels like she never finishes anything. I have those same thoughts about myself. I am an idea person and have come up with so many ideas over the years but lack the gumption to start many of them and to finish some of them. I hope to use this blog as a way to express my ideas about many things. I have a Facebook page that I use to debate topics. I now have too many friends and business associates on Facebook that I can't truly say what I want to say without the risk of offending friends and clients. If what I say offends you, just don't read it anymore. Ok? Great.

Here we go:

I opened my 3rd grade son's book bag tonight to find a single slip of paper in his home work folder. The note was to let parents know that church choir was meeting on Tuesday. If we wanted our child to participate in this Methodist/Presbyterian youth choir, the church would have an adult walk our child to church.

I have a problem with this. Why is the school sending home notes inviting our children to participate in religious activities? Would they allow a Muslim or Islamic church to invite the children to participate in their activities? Hell no! Parents would be outraged.

When my son was in Kindergarten, the school put on a holiday program of music performed by the children. I was excited to see my little boy participate in his first school performance. First it was Away in a Manger, then more and more religious songs focused on Christ. I waited for a Jewish song, or Kwanzaa song or a song about Winter solstice. Nothing. Just Christ-based religious programming enjoyed by all. Now I admit that it was sweet seeing my little boy and his classmates singing, but left furious. My husband told me to leave it be, to not embarrass or alienate our son. I respected his wishes and would never do anything to hurt my son. I may be overeacting but I feel like pushing one religion in schools alienates others with diferent faiths and people who don't believe in organized religion.

What am I to do? I guess I can't do anything about it. Except get it off my chest.
There. I feel much better. Sort of.

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